This page lists all colors and patterns that exist within the Loshenka breed.
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For an overview chart of all coat colors in one handy place, click here!
Coat Colors
🟢 Common:
🟡 Uncommon:
- Single Cream (Cr_) Palomino, Buckskin, Smoky Black
- Champagne (Ch_) Gold Champagne, Amber Champagne, Classic Champagne
🟠 Rare:
- Pearl (prlprl) Gold Pearl, Bay Pearl, Black Pearl
- Double Cream (CrCr) Cremello, Perlino, Smoky Cream
- Fraiche (Fr_) Ginger, Spice, Slate
- Plum (plmplm) Chestnut Plum, Bay Plum, Black Plum
- Berry (Br_) Raspberry, Blackberry, Blueberry
🔴 Ultra Rare:
- Walnut (prlprl Wal_) Almond, Walnut, Hazelnut
- Cream Champagne (Cr_ Ch_) Gold Cream Champagne, Amber Cream Champagne, Classic Cream Champagne
- Cream Pearl (Crprl) Palomino Pearl, Buckskin Pearl, Smoky Black Pearl
- Pearl Champagne (prlprl Ch_) Gold Pearl Champagne, Bay Pearl Champagne, Black Pearl Champagne
- Fraiche Cream (FrCr) Buttercream, Tuscan, Lilac
- Fraiche Pearl (Frprl) Flame, Mink, Taffy
- Fraiche Champagne (Fr_ Ch_) Peach, Bracken, Shoal
- Cream Plum (Crplm) Palomino Plum, Buckskin Plum, Smoky Black Plum
- Pearl Plum (prlplm) Gold Pearl Plum, Bay Pearl Plum, Black Pearl Plum
- Fraiche Plum (Frplm) Grapefruit, Coconut, Dragonfruit
- Berry Champagne (Br_ Ch_) Smoke, Shadow, Abyss
- Berry Fraiche (Fr_ Br_) Ruby, Amethyst, Sapphire
- Champagne Plum (plmplm Ch_) Gold Champagne Plum, Amber Champagne Plum, Classic Champagne Plum
- Berry Pearl (prlprl Br_) Umber, Cherry, Onyx
- Berry Plum (plmplm Br_) Sangria, Malbec, Merlot
🟣 Legendary:
- Cream Pearl Champagne (Crprl Ch_) Gold Cream Pearl Champagne, Amber Cream Pearl Champagne, Classic Cream Pearl Champagne
- Fraiche Pearl Champagne (Frprl Ch_) Horchata, Vanilla, Seafoam
- Fraiche Cream Champagne (FrCr Ch_) Sundrop, Dewdrop, Raindrop
- Berry Walnut (prlprl Wal_ Br_) Verbena, Valerian, Licorice
- Walnut Champagne (prlprl Wal_ Ch_) Latte, Cappuccino, Espresso
- Berry Fraiche Champagne (Fr_ Br_ Ch_) Dawn, Twilight, Dusk
- Berry Fraiche Pearl (Frprl Br_) Acorn, Blossom, Cornflower
- Berry Fraiche Plum (Frplm Br_) Thistle, Wisteria, Hyacinth
- Berry Pearl Champagne (prlprl Br_ Ch_) Brass, Copper, Titanium
- Berry Pearl Plum (prlplm Br_) Sakura, Carnation, Poppy
- Berry Plum Champagne (plmplm Br_ Ch_) Flint, Shale, Stone
- Fraiche Plum Champagne (Frplm Ch_) Apricot, Tangerine, Nectarine
- Cream Plum Champagne (Crplm Ch_) Gold Cream Plum Champagne, Amber Cream Plum Champagne, Classic Cream Plum Champagne
- Pearl Plum Champagne (prlplm Ch_) Gold Pearl Plum Champagne, Bay Pearl Plum Champagne, Black Pearl Plum Champagne
- Berry Fraiche Pearl Champagne (Frprl Ch_ Br_) Ginseng, Chai, Jasmine
- Berry Fraiche Plum Champagne (Frplm Ch_ Br_) Frost, Alpine, Glacier
- Berry Pearl Plum Champagne (prlplm Ch_ Br_) Aspen, Cypress, Hickory
- Berry Walnut Champagne (prlprl Wal_ Ch_ Br_) Cashew, Pecan, Pistachio
Natural White can be added to any horse regardless of rarity, and is not listed in the phenotype.
🟡 Uncommon:
- Dun (D_)
- Roan (R_)
- Tobiano (T_)
- Splash (Spl_)
- Snowflake Appaloosa (nLp)
- Blanket Appaloosa (nLp patn)
- Snowcap Appaloosa (LpLp patn)
🟠 Rare:
- Sabino (Sb_)
- Overo (O_)
- Dominant White (W_)
- Rabicano (Rb_)
- Varnish Roan Appaloosa (LpLp)
- Leopard Appaloosa (nLp patnpatn)
- Fewspot Appaloosa (LpLp patnpatn)
🟢 Common:
- Snowfall (Sf_)
- Corset (Co_)
- Stained (St_)
- Blotted (Bl_)
- Primitive Dun (Dt_)
- Cowspot (Cw_)
- Cordillera (Cd_)
- Tuxedo (Tx_)
- Carries Rapunzel (nrp)
- Carries Ticked (ntck)
- Carries Inverse (ninv)
🟡 Uncommon:
*Seasonal anomalies are considered Uncommon for pricing purposes during their listed season, and may be imported via purchase or tokens. Seasonal oddities may be randomly rolled in breedings during their season as well.
Outside of their season, both may be bred as normal (Mirror for oddities), but not imported, and the oddities will no longer be randomly rolled in breedings.